We do so by running a variety of student-led initiatives and events, available for free to any University at Buffalo students.
All of our weekly meetings, events, and hackathons are optional, so pick and choose your favorites to come. We'd love for you to come to all of them though!
We have tons of introductory workshops that are mostly run by upperclassmen with expertise in the topics. Our workshops cover a wide range of technologies used by professionals in industry or academia. Some of topics that we've covered include:
These are in-depth talks that are usually presented by university professors and industry speakers from companies like Cisco, Microsoft, Stripe. In addition to learning about the tools that these professionals use in their everyday life, these events are also a great opportunity for you to connect with them and learn more about their work!
Build awesome projects, do homework, or just hang out with your fellow peers at hack night! Our Hack Nights event series are recurring Saturday events at University at Buffalo where students gather and work together in Davis 101. The event is sponsored by reputable companies from Buffalo and major tech hub. Learn more about Hack Nights here
In addition to all the tech events, there are a huge number of social events like board game nights, bowling night, and barbecue socials to let students de-stress and network. We also help companies like Bloomberg organize for company-sponosred social events with students.
We moved away from newsletters and Slack to Discord to encourage more communication and discussion between students outside of our events. Our Discord server has registered over 400 verified (current and past) University at Buffalo students.
In addition to UB Hacking and Hack Nights, our club also organizes members to attend hackathons together near our school. Attending hackathons are a great way for students to learn new technologies and show some pride for our school.
For the first time in the 2018 season, we placed University at Buffalo on the MLH rank standings!